I tried the lite verson, and i thought it was so awesome, but when i looked at the price and saw 7.00 i didnt get it..now i got it because its on sale (im so glad!) its EPIC. for only 2controls, this game gets really intense, and you have to really focus. The power ups really add to the game, and its really fun wether your totaly sloughering your opponents, or your running in fear from them (its fun and challanging that way ^^) its awesome, but if you want a simple game thats not to hard.. LEAVE NOW..because this isnt the game your looking for :)
The storyline is good which is a bonus ^^ if your not getting it because of the price, try the lite verson youll be hooked as soon as you try it ^^
(get it now because its on sale!)
mangaqueen about Hills and Rivers Remain